Monday, February 23, 2015

Felpetopedia y Lemusopedia

I'm rotating through surgery right now, which is always fun and interesting. Most surgeons I find are very get-down-to-business type people who move fast and furiously. However, every now and then you meet surgeons who take their time and explain everything out in very clear, easy to understand language, starting at the beginning with the simple and working their way into the complex. Two surgeons just like that are Dr. Felpeto and Dr. Lemus. They are both older gentlemen who are truly gentlemen inside the operating room and outside. They are excellent professors who their residents and students affectionately call encyclopedias because of the many years of experience and dedication to staying current on all topics in surgery and have given them the nicknames Felpeto-pedia and Lemus-opedia. It has been a pleasure to rotate with them and get to know them better through my 6th year surgery rotation! Cheers to them both!